IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering – Call for Papers
(Special Issue on the IEEE UT2025 Symposium)

The Journal will publish a Special Issue of papers to be presented at the UT2025 Symposium in Taipei, March 2 – 5, 2025. The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society sponsors the Symposium and brings together those working in underwater technology. Topics of special interest include:

  • Underwater Acoustics, Communications, and Tomography
  • Autonomous Systems and Marine Robotics
  • Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Mitigation
  • Marine Sensors, Mobile Networks, and Observatories
  • Technologies for Marine Resource Exploration and Renewable Energy Systems
  • Bio-inspired Underwater Technologies: Sensors, Actuators, and Control Systems
  • Advanced Imaging and Data Processing for Underwater Cultural Heritage
  • Underwater Acoustic Sensing and Signal Processing for Soundscape Analysis

The special issue is only open to papers presented at the UT2025 Symposium. If the authors of an accepted paper do not present their paper at the Symposium, it will be published in a later regular issue of the Journal.

Guest Editors

Jen-Hwa Guo (Lead Guest Editor)
Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan University

Chen-Fen Huang
Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University

Toshihiro Maki
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Eliza Michalopoulou
New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

Traci Neilsen
Brigham Young University, USA

Paper Submission Instructions

All manuscripts must be submitted through the Journal’s website:

Authors should include a cover letter when submitting their manuscript explicitly indicating that the contribution is intended for the “UT2025” Special Issue. In their cover letter, authors must contextualize their contribution, referencing the list of topics above when appropriate.

Authors are encouraged to develop their short symposium papers into significantly longer journal articles with the inclusion of additional novel results and by expanding them to be more comprehensive. No more than about 30% overlap is permitted between the journal article and the symposium paper. UT2025 authors planning to submit expanded symposium papers to the special issue are encouraged to limit the overall length of their UT2025 papers.

When submitting their papers, authors must also upload a copy of their UT2025 paper as a supplementary materials file and explain in their cover letter how the symposium paper has been extended. The UT2025 paper must be explicitly cited in the paper and appear in its bibliography.

Important Dates

Manuscript Submission Opens: December 30, 2024
Manuscript Submission Closes: May 31, 2025
Manuscripts submitted between these dates will be eligible for consideration for publication in the Special Issue.

The Journal encourages authors to support JOE efforts to publish reproducible results by sharing code and data. This way, other researchers can build upon your work, and your contributions will have a higher impact on our community, increasing the value of your paper and potentially increasing the citation rate. For additional information, please see the editorial at

Upon acceptance by the Editor-in-Chief, individual papers will be posted on IEEE Xplore, thus becoming downloadable and citable prior to publication of the entire collection of “UT2025” papers in a regular, quarterly issue of the Journal.

The target date for publication in JOE: July 2026