Student Poster Presentation Schedules and Guidelines


  1. All poster presentations should be in English following the template provided by UT 2025.
  2. The text, figures, etc., should be readable from a distance of two meters (six feet). Use color sparingly for effectiveness. Recommended combinations are saturated dark colors on white backgrounds or rich, bright colors on dark backgrounds.
  3. The usable surface for poster mounting is 95 cm wide × 180 cm long. Your poster should be 90 cm wide × 120 cm long (or size A0) and will be displayed vertically.
  4. Posters should be mounted using double-sided tape, which will be provided onsite.
  5. Audiovisual equipment will not be available for poster presentations.
  6. Paper Number will be placed on the upper part of each poster board.
  7. You MUST include your “Paper Number” on your poster. The poster should display the title, authors’ names, affiliations, and countries. The title must match the one in your paper.
  8. Presenters must bring their posters. Do not mail your poster. No printing facilities will be available at the conference site.
  9. Presenters must remove their posters during the designated tear-down period, or the posters will be disposed of.
  10. The lead author must present the poster in person and may present only one poster. If the lead author cannot attend, nominate a co-author and notify us by February 20, 2025. Failure to have either the lead author or a nominated co-author present the poster will result in exclusion from the Proceedings and conference program.
  11. Poster set-up, tear-down, poster presentation schedule:
    The Poster Sessions, the Set-up and tear-down schedules are as follows:
Poster presentation time Set-Up Tear-Down
March 3 (Monday) 15:00-15:30
March 4 (Tuesday) 09:40-10:10
March 4 (Tuesday) 15:00-15:30
March 3
March 5


All presenters must submit a full conference paper to the 2025 IEEE International Symposium on Underwater Technology.