Presenting JOE Accepted Papers at UT 2025

The IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (JOE) encourages authors of recently accepted/published JOE papers to present their work at the upcoming UT25 Symposium. This is a great opportunity for JOE authors to share their research with a broad, international audience, receive feedback, and network with potential collaborators.

To present a JOE paper at UT25, authors should email the co-chair Jen-Hwa Guo ( with the following information:

  1. Title of the talk
  2. Name of the presenter
  3. Title of the associated JOE manuscript
  4. Short 150-word summary of the JOE paper
  5. The JOE paper must have been accepted for publication between December 15, 2023, and December 15, 2024.

Only one presentation per JOE paper is allowed, and all authors must agree on the presenter. The presenting author is required to register for the UT25 conference. Eligible papers must have been submitted to the JOE manuscript submission website. Based on these time windows, authors may not request any acceleration or delay of the journal article review process. Look forward to seeing JOE authors at UT25. For more information, please refer to the editorials by EiC Emeritus N. Ross Chapman [1].

[1] K. von Ellenrieder, “Editorial Presenting Abstracts of Accepted/Published JOE Papers at MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conferences,” in IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 3-3, Jan. 2024,